The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


Morning Work-Out

Three posts in less than two days.
I'm on a roll.

Actually, I'm up early (well, ok, earlier than usual) today because of a roll I'm trying to get rid of.

This morning a neighbor and I are going to try walking down by the river and see how far we get before we keel over.

I walk very slowly, especially these days. Most people can't keep up with me (in a reverse sort of way, so to speak). But my neighbor broke her hip a while back and is still recuperating. She walks with a cane too, right now, and so we decided to have a sort of a contest to see who fell over first.

I'm betting it'll be me.

So, as soon as she shows up we'll start the experiment.

Who knows? If this works out it could be my new work-out. At least as long as she's recuperating.

Mitakuye Oyasin
Walk in Balance
(hoping I can)

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