The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


Natural Artists and Craft Shows

Today is beautiful. Sun, high 60's, very little humidity, a few fluffy clouds, little birds tweeting, fat squirrels ... well, being squirrely.

And raccoons doing what they do best ... resting up for a night of pillage and plunder of the local trash cans.

I love raccoons. Partner does not. So we compromise: I don't feed them and he doesn't do more than chase them away.

I can live with that.

This year we have an addition to our wildlife menagerie. A hawk. Two hawks actually. I've seen the redtail and yesterday I saw a smaller one that almost but not quite looked like a kestrel, except for the fact that it wasn't one. I'm sure they've been attracted by all the sparrows and cardinals and other smallish things around our bird feeder.

Our yard has it's own ecosystem going now.

One of the most comical (to me) things to happen recently was a result of the hawk joining our little menagerie. I came outside one day and saw the biggest damn bird splat I've ever seen in my entire life down the side of Partner's all black car, in an artistic array of, well, whatever it was that had been ingested most recently, I guess. The car was parked under the tree where the bigger hawk (redtail) had been seen to perch. Seriously, I've never seen anything like it before. It was stunning. Awesome. Totally striking.

Sadly, I did not get a picture, as the camera wasn't handy and it wasn't something Partner wanted as a permanent decoration. Although, it was really quite artistic. Such a composition! All the way down the driver's side door from the top of the window to the bottom of the door. There was an intriguing offshoot that separated itself from the main stream, as it were, and traveled at a 45 degree angle toward the back of the car in a rather sophisticated geometric way.

Either it was wind-assisted, or that hawk needs to join our craft group! We could use a good modern artist or impressionist or whatever that would be considered.

Speaking of our craft group, I have not one, but two different shows this weekend.

The first is one I've not done before, the Every Artist Market, and I'm doing it by myself (i.e. Partner isn't coming to help set up). Wish me luck.

The one on Sunday is at the Pere Marquette Lodge in Grafton, IL, and is a Spring/Mushroom festival. I still have to finish making some pieces in theme for that one.

But right now I think I'm going to take a D-Dog accompanied nap. I just had my taxes done and I'm worn out.

Mitakuye Oyasin

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