The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


six months later ...

Yikes � six months. I'm pretty lousy at keeping promises to write more, aren't I?

Well, this time I'm going to try harder to get at least something posted every week. We'll see how that turns out.

2009 was not a good year for me. So many things happened, and not all were good. Sadly, the bad ones were really bad. Here's a recap for those who don't know or remember:

Good: Had a great vacation in March at The General's Cabin , where Floofy (Gypsy) and D-Dog (Dusty) had a great time running around. Sadly, this was to be Gypsy's last vacation.

Bad: Got home to find that my stepmother, who had been fighting several types of cancer for a couple of years, had died in her home surrounded by her family.

Bad: Floofy (Gypsy), who had been doing much better, took a turn for the worse and started her final decline.

Good: Things at work were going well and our Montage fundraiser did well.

Bad: Was notified in a very emotional meeting that I was being laid off. Given the community atmosphere at the school, this, to me, was like being told I was disowned from the family. Not to mention the fact that I was going to be 59, am disabled, and not likely to find another job as good as the one I had, or one I'd like as much.

Bad: Floofy (Gypsy) kept getting worse, and died in mid June. We buried her with a small ceremony in a spot in the woods near our house where she liked to sniff around.

Good: I decided to treat the layoff like a retirement, and keep a good attitude, so I left on good terms and still am in touch with many there.

Good: I was able to take my Dad to visit my uncle and cousin at my cousin's farm. It would be the last time he got to see them but I didn't know that then.

Good: I had more time to spend on my jewelry business, Ravyn's Cache and was able to collect two unemployment checks.

Bad: Ended up in the hospital for a week for minor surgery, which resulted in home health care for the next five weeks or so, where I was pretty much confined to a back bedroom and no moving around. I'll spare you the details.

Good: We got my brother to get back in touch with my dad after about a two year hiatus following a gross misunderstanding. They spoke on the phone several times and Dad was thrilled.

Bad: Dad went into the hospital for emergency surgery, my brother and I went to see him in the ICU afterwards but he was still unconscious. He died a few days later, in mid November, never really having come out of surgery.

Bad: A relapse from my surgery kept me from joining the rest of Partner's family for Thanksgiving, so that holiday was a bust.

Good: We were still able to have Christmas Eve here, and everyone had a good time.

So there you have it. Seven "goods" of small to medium size and seven "bads" of a far larger magnitude, all within about a 6-8 month period.

I am still trying to recover, both emotionally and physically.

2010, however, has been good! Things are looking up. My disability claim went through, and I have quite a few craft shows scheduled to hopefully sell my jewelry. D-Dog (Dusty) is doing well and loving being an "only dog". All the "bad" has been balanced by equally good "good", and I'm looking forward to the possibilities the rest of the year has to offer. Friends from the past are resurfacing on Facebook, and I've been getting back in touch (or keeping in touch) with a lot of people. All in all, life is good, and I'm working on balancing it all out.

Now if I can remember to post more often, maybe it won't be another six months before I post again here! HAH!

Mitakuye Oyasin
Walk in Balance

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