The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


A Summer to end all Summers

Quite a bit has happened in the last few months, not all of it good.

Within a week's time in early June, I found out I'd been laid off a job I'd loved for 12 years. Then my dad went back in the hospital and ended up in chemotherapy again. Then FloofyQ gave up the good fight and crossed the Rainbow Bridge. She's buried out back in the woods, where she liked to roam around. We miss her terribly.

The good news was, I had more time to work on my jewelry and Etsy shop, and did well at the Tower Grove Farmers Market and the Pere Marquette Peach Festival in Grafton, IL. Partner was fine with me not working for a while, and things were going well.

Then I ended up in the hospital with some minor but emergency surgery, and am still recouperating. It's going to be a long haul, but the support from my friends has been inspiring. I'm just now getting to where I feel like working with my jewelry again, although I can't stay up for too long. It was a good thing I wasn't accepted to the Indie Underground/St. Louis Fashion Week for this weekend at the Lumiere Place, as I wouldn't have been able to do it.

What I really want to do right now, oddly enough, is get back to painting. I have all kinds of ideas but haven't the energy to drag everything out to get started yet. Hopefully that will happen soon.

Mitakuye Oyasin

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