The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


A Wild and Witty Evening at Starbucks

While in the process of getting my business of Ravyn's Cache off the ground, starting with Etsy, I joined this fabulous group of women crafters from my local area and surroundings!

We met last night at one of the many Starbuck's, and even though I was more or less on time (yes I know ... me, on time *snicker*), nearly everyone was there before me and already well into the meeting.

I'd been told to "just follow the noise" and I now know what they meant!

However, it was quite a well organized chaos ... just the kind of total organized chaos with which I am both comfortable and intimately familiar, in fact. So this should work out well.

On a slightly different note, just before I left for the meeting, I had a rather nice sale! Two necklaces I'd made with Norse inspiration were bought by a wonderful lady from California. AND she requested matching earrings, so now I'm up to 13 sales since mid-April.

I'm not sure how "good" that really is, since most were from family and friends, but when I get sales out of the blue like that it really makes my day!

It does have me wondering if I should concentrate more on the "niche" types of jewelry rather then the broad selection I try to maintain. All three of my "outside" sales to people I did not know, were that sort of jewelry. So now I'm thinking of at least starting to make more like that for a while and see what happens.

Anyway, while I know this blog isn't all that "out there", I'd still like to list a few shops from my Etsy team to promote their beautiful work!!

So, today I'd like to focus on one of my favorite items: lampwork glass beads!

There are quite a few on Etsy, and I love them all. But the two on my team make gorgeous beads, so I'd like to introduce Gypsyflame and Villadesign! Check out their shops, if only to drool over the gorgeous beads they make!

Right now I'm working on getting a schedule for posting down, so I don't leave the diary to get all dusty again. But whenever next time occurs, I will highlight a different craft, and more shops, along with any updates on any shows.

Mitakuye Oyasin
Walk in Balance

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