The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


Spring Doings

Yes I know ... I post after a long hiatus and then disappear again ... but you know, I really have no idea if anyone is reading this until someone leaves a note, and I don't always feel like writing just for my own catharsis. But since I got a nice note from Hissandtell I thought I'd at least post what I've been doing lately.

Said doings are mostly work, playing EQ2 or Lord of the Rings Online, posting in my Dogster forums, work, playing with the dogs, making tons of jewelry for various fundraisers, friends and people who ask, work, being sick occasionally and oh, did I mention work?

It's coming up on my busiest time of year. Kind of ironic, since I work at a school and you'd think Summer would be slow ... but that's when I get into high gear, preparing for the upcoming school year. And it's a good thing it's slow for everyone else because that means they leave me alone and I can get all the detailed paperwork and schedules and charts and orders and such done without the usual school year interruptions of "can you find ...?" and "I need you to get ..." and "what do I do if ...", etc. Some days my office will have a never ending stream of people looking for things or wanting me to answer questions, interspersed with phone calls for purchase orders, or those pesky salesmen wanting to sell us things we either don't need, don't want or prefer to buy somewhere else.

Speaking of those salesmen ... those guys are relentless!!! I've had them threaten to call my boss before, because I'm "refusing to even consider saving my company money" by not buying from them! Good grief. And then there are the ones who start out with "hey how's it going?" or "how are you today?" at which point I usually say "quite busy, thank you" and try to politely get them to shut up and hang up. However, this big city I live in is really a small town when it comes to who-knows-who, and when it comes to the people with whom I deal every day, I have to be careful. You never know which student's parent might be the one calling with their new business, side business, or the manager at or owner of some other company. And I COULD lose my job for being rude to one of them if they complained. So I endure and it often takes quite a bit of time.

Anyway ... that's what I've been doing lately, and I promise, Miss Hiss, that I'll try to update more often!! Really! *nod nod* OH as a side note, you'll notice that I have put my Dogster badge for FloofyQ and D-Dog on this page ... yes that's their real names and I figured since I put that all out there I might as well put it here too ... so that's us :) (and Hissy, the video of Dusty's ears is on there LOL)


Mitaquye Oyasin
Walk in Balance

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