The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


What I did on my Spring vacation

*dusts off the page and peers at the curled edges*

*chokes on the dust*

Wow! It's been a while, hasn't it?

I see some of my favorites haven't posted in quite a while, either :(, and some seem to have actually disappeared.
But ... Miss Hiss and Niceguymike are still here I see, and a few others, so I'm happy. Maybe I won't be totally typing into a void!

Let's see ...

Partner, D-Dog and FloofyCubed are still in the picture, I'm still making jewelry (in fact, I've been making it furiously for a few months now, what with the holidays and our annual fundraising auction coming up), and playing EQ2 (still). Also working, of course.

We went to a nice, more-or-less secluded cabin, deep in the Northern Arkansas Ozark Mountains, for Spring Vacation. Partner fished but didn't catch anything, tripped over a snake or two, to his chagrin, and I napped with the dogs and read a lot. No computer, no TV, no phone ... Unfortunately there WAS a radio, and Partner had to keep track of NPR and PHC, which drove me nuts. But otherwise it was quite relaxing, and we saw tons of deer and birds. The only thing that might have marred the relaxing time was the fact that the cabins on either side of us were families with small children. Partner got annoyed with me for being annoyed, but really. If you go to a place that advertises seclusion, wildlife viewing and quiet ... why on earth bring scads of young children under the age of 10, let them shout, scream and make noise at breakfast (when wildlife normally might be expected to be out), go away for the whole day (when wildlife are sleeping) and then come back in the evening to yell and scream again and run around in the woods (when and where wildlife might be expected to roam)? Sheesh!

Anyway that's all I have time for right now but I promise ... PROMISE ... that I'll try to write more often. Having finally bothered to renew my gold membership is going to make me feel guilty if I don't :)

Mitakuye Oyasin

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