The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


Night Owls and Passive Aggression

Gahhh it is going to be SO difficult to get back into a "normal" schedule by Wednesday, when I go back to work.

You see, I've always been a night owl. When I worked the evening shift I liked it. When I worked graveyards, I REALLY liked it ... now I work days and have for years.


But when left to my own devices, I will stay up all night and sleep most the day. Which is what I've pretty much been doing.

When I worked at home the last couple days last week, it was at night. I would stop around dawn and get some coffee and take the dogs out, sitting on the front porch listening to the birds while they ran around the yard. Then I'd come in, do a little more work, then take a nap and get up around mid afternoon. When I worked nights like that, I slept less and ate less and just generally felt better.

But the "normal" world doesn't seem to operate that way, let alone Partner.

Speaking of Partner ... can you say "passive-aggressive behavior?" Sheesh.

I won't go into particulars, but it really cracks me up when he tries to tell me that he's so good at keeping things to himself when he's upset or angry and how people can't tell. When I tell him *I* can tell he looks at me like "oh yea ... well you have NO IDEA how mad I've been" ... when I DO know, because he's done all the passive-aggressive things he always does when he's upset with me. He's so damn obvious about it, it's almost funny, if it didn't piss me off so badly hehe.

This time, his "subtle" idea of not letting me know when he is angry about something was to deliberately get the wrong stuff from the grocery store.

Sometimes it's pretending not to hear me when I ask him a question.

Usually it's just a bunch of little things like that, all strung together.

And he thinks I can't tell???


Are all men like that?


Mitakuye Oyasin

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