The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


Tooth Fairy and British Scientists

Holy cow! I just took a look at my stats section. How the bloody hell did I go from the usual 3 or 4 reads from 1 or 2 unique hosts, to 26 hits from 16 unique hosts??? All on one day? Yikes.

Well, hello all you new people then *waves*

I don't know who you are but welcome to my erratic ramblings, only occasionally updated.

On the dental front, my surgical trauma due to the removal of about exactly four impacted wisdom teeth is starting to wane. I can now chew

I am so happy.

The Tooth Fairy, however, is on my shit-list.

I made Partner take me out to dinner this evening to a local place so I could actually eat something other than mashed potatoes I had made.

I had a glorious and simple salad that I devoured ... slowly, to be sure, as I still can't open my mouth all the way. But oh was it delicious. The strawberry daqueri helped, of course.

Then the chicken parmesan and french fries, an old favorite of mine from high school days. This place, in fact, was from my high school days. We used to go there for pizza.

But I digress.

My eating capacity, after all the Jello and pudding an smashed taters, seems to have dwindled. I had to put half of the dinner in a take-out box.

Unfortunately, this trend will probably not last. So much for losing weight on a reduced diet. As usual, once I can eat again I become a devouring fiend after so much food abstinence. But I try. For a while.

In other news, I obtained a while back, from some educational catalog or another, a set of three DVDs called The Future Is Wild. I got Partner to sit down and watch the first of the three tonight.

It is long.

It is repetitious (apparently it was a Discovery Channel series, so you have to go through the same lead-in for each section, which goes over some of the same information).

It is not for Intelligent Design aficionados.

But it is fascinating.

Several things I noted while watching:

One - We have some pretty amazing animal life on this planet now, as it is. At least for the first 5 million year stretch, you can see where the "new" animals originated. I'm assuming the 100 million year ones will have evolved from the ones we saw tonight. I don't know, because by the end of the first one it was later than Partner wanted to stay up.

Two - British scientists seem to be where we got the mold for our "nutty professors" and "mad scientists"

Seriously, these guys were not your average guy you'd see in the office, at least not in the USA, and I can't imagine any but maybe one or two of them chatting it up with the locals in any sort of bar or restaurant.

But they do know their stuff.

I had to laugh at the glasses and bow ties though. Sooo stereotypical!!

At any rate, you should take a gander at least. It's a very interesting series.

It kind of makes me feel better about Mother Nature, you know. To know that we are probably this current "climactical disaster" isn't good, but knowing things will still go on ... that's good.

Mitakuye Oyasin

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