The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


In a slump again

I should really get back to making my jewelry.

When I was taking those pain medications for the wisdom teeth removal (which is healing nicely, by the way, although it is still not completely "done") I couldn't make anything. I did try, but ended up repeatedly splurting beads out of my fingers and onto the floor.

I gave that up as a bad idea at the time.

Somehow, I just haven't gotten back into it again, and I really, really need to. I have that wedding commission to finish within the next 6 weeks, and the next 6 weeks is, coincidentally, my busiest time of year at work.


I suppose I'll get to it eventually. I always do.

But I wish I weren't so poly-phasic!

OK, Floofy-Q is nosing me to go out for the forty-umpteenth time in the last 2 hours so I will let her out yet again. D-Dog will, of course, barrel his way to the front with his nose pressing against the door so HE can be first out.

Much noise and many sound effects will ensue.

What fun, as it's relatively cool outside so we have our windows open.

And it's 3am, and Partner is long ago asleep.


Mitakuye Oyasin

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