The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


Back after another long hiatus

*dusting off the cobwebs and peering at the page*
Geez ... it's been a while hasn't it?
I don't even know where to start.
How about I just say "hi guys! I'll try to put an update together sometime soon" for now because it's 2am and I'm really tired and have a christening to go to at noon.
Ok ok ... a quick rundown.
Visits (Partner's family not mine ... more on that later)
Hospitals (not me)
Birthdays and christenings and other family functions.
Yes I still play "that game" hehe. Only it's Everquest II now, I haven't even logged in to EQ1 for a long time.
Oh and work
Did I mention I've been a bit busy?
I'll post more soon.
I promise :)
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