The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


Weekend Warriors

Now we�ve done it.

This weekend is going to be the Weekend from Hell, or maybe the Weekend of Wonders, depending on how things turn out.

First, Partner and his buddy are going to start work on THE HOLE on Saturday. Early. All Day. Guess who gets to cook dinner for at least two dirty and hungry men? When I had other online plans in Everquest.

I suggested a nice pizza, which was greeted with a �we�ll see�. Heh. We�ll see all right. It�s either pizza or Chinese.

Anyway, a while back, Partner and I went to the City Museum and thought, �wouldn�t this be fun to take kids to?�

So, a shorter while back, we offered to take his two nieces kids there �sometime�. Somehow a date got set (April 10). Then we promptly forgot about it.

Well Niece #1 called last night to see if we still wanted to take all the kids.

Of course we said �SURE!�

So, bright and early Sunday, Partner (mid 40�s) and I (mid 50�s) will be taking Boy age 12, Girl age 15, Girl age 6 and Girl age 4 to this place.

If we live, I�ll let you know how it turns out.

Mitakuye Oyasin
Walk in Balance
Don�t fall off the dragon.

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