The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


Back Again ... Again.

Wow 76 days.
Has it really been that long?
Let�s see � where WAS I?
Oh yes � the hole in the front yard.
It is still there.
It has grown.
For some reason my pictures aren�t linked anymore � and I also notice the article I linked to has updated to his current column, and not the one to which I�d originally referred.
Ah well.
Back to the hole.
THE Hole.
Partner fixed the sewer pipe. He got someone out there to look at it and get a video, which is required by the County for any claims on their sewer lateral insurance, for which we pay $28 a quarter. They also require 2 other estimates. So far, however, Partner has only managed to get that first guy to come out. No one else seems to have the time. They keep saying we�re �on the list�.
MSD says they don�t cover it. (They did, however, build the concrete conduit that runs the creek under the yard).
Homeowner�s insurance says they don�t cover it. (It is, however, damage to our property)
The County doesn�t cover it. (Figures � so what do we pay insurance FOR?)
It is, by all accounts, our problem.
We did not build it.
We did not create the hole or the problem.
But we have to pay someone $3500 to fix it.
So � Partner wants to do it himself, with a buddy.
But .. you have to do that when it�s not pouring down rain or the hole (which is still growing) is full of sucking mud.
I did suggest to Partner that he go to City Hall and explain the problem, and put that orange temporary construction fencing ribbon stuff around it in the mean time.
He did not do that right away.
Eventually, we got a citation from City Hall.
Partner went to explain the problem.
He spoke to a guy, through his secretary, on the phone.
This guy said yeah he sees the problem don�t worry he�ll talk to the Inspector yadda yadda.
Me: �Did you talk to the guy himself?�
Partner: �No .. but I could hear him talking in the background when his secretary relayed messages�
Me: �Is this the guy who sent or signed the citation?�
Partner: �No, but he�s in the same office and said he�d talk to the guy�
Me: �Did you get that in writing?�
Partner: �No � we�re all adults here. Don�t worry�
Me: *blank stare*
That was oh, 2 weeks ago or so. Needless to say, 15 days later, Partner gets another letter.
This one is a summons to court.
Partner went ballistic.
He went to City Hall in person and had a nice shouting match with the actual Inspector guy who issued both the citation and the summons.
Inspector guy claimed he though it was just a hole and hadn�t realized it involved plumbing and concrete conduit.
Gist of the conversation was, if Partner would put up the orange fencing, and start sandbagging and getting ready for the actual work, Inspector guy would talk to the original guy Partner had talked to, in order to �get his take on your conversation� � not �on the problem� or �on the issue� but �on the conversation�
Partner expected him to tear up the summons but he didn�t. He�s still summoned to court.
There is now orange construction fencing and a ton of sandbags out there around the ever-expanding hole.
The second two inspections have still not occurred.
Partner is still planning on doing this by himself.
Here I am, keeping my mouth shut.
It�s difficult.

In other news, I�ve found my new best friend in summer beverages/treats. Dairy Queen�s Cappuccino Moo-latte. OMG. Ice, coffee, and DQ Ice Cream. All mixed together. In a glass. With a straw. No added �stuff�. No added sugar or fat or anything. OMG.

And I am so incredibly happy to hear that Gnomad has finally climbed out of the Snake Pit and into his Dream Job, and that he and da Diva are actually able to spend time together and not be too stressed out. That is SO good to hear! Grats you guys !!

Haven�t had a chance yet to read my other favorites but I will � eventually.

And Miss Hiss, I haven�t forgotten that you asked about pics of why I felt like a crazed raccoon � I�ll get there! I do have pictures of my jewelry and of the boxes. I AM getting organized � SLOWLY.

Soon. Soon. Someday.


Mitakuye Oyasin
Walk in Balance
Beware Crazed Raccoons bearing jewelry.

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