The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


Our sewer pipe fell into the creek ...

What a bizarre weekend.

On Friday morning we discovered this:

It just kind of went down hill from there (no pun intended)

That hole is a good 15' deep. Partner had to get an extending ladder to get down there, where he was up to his shins (literally!) in muck.

Our house and the street are separated by a storm creek. The creek goes under our front yard via a concrete conduit and the creek opens up again in the woods next door.

The conduit collapsed, taking a third of our front yard, and our sewer pipe, with it. The sewer pipe was in 3 pieces at the bottom of the hole, mired in the muck.

Partner had to cut down a small tree in the woods to lay across the hole so he could rig up a pulley and jockey the pipes around to put them back together. Being as environmentally conscientious as he is, he didn't want to continue polluting the creek (which drains into the Mississippi River two blocks east of us), and our sewer district couldn't get out there until today. Which they aren't because I don't think he quite explained to them what the actual problem was. He's calling them again today.

So ... how was YOUR weekend?

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