The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


Why I don't write more lately

Yeah, yeah, I know � I said I was going to update more often.

Best laid plans and all that.

I don�t know why I can�t seem to sit down and write something. It�s not like I�m THAT busy. But I would have to say it�s just a general sense of laziness that keeps me from doing much more than playing Mahjong and games like Zuma every damn time I sit down at the computer lately.

I have jewelry I�m supposed to be making and what do I do? The minute I step into my office/craft room the computer starts whispering:

�Ravyncrow! Psst! Yes you � Ravyn � c�mon and play! You know you want to! Look! A new Yahoo game!�


What do you do then?
I even tried making jewelry WHILE I was on the computer, playing Everquest II and chatting with pals while doing something simple, so I can have my hands full of beads at the same time.

�Psst! There�s this Mahjong layout that�s still under par �. Ravyn � Ravyn � �


Something that can even pull me from EQII?? Yikes.

Maybe I should just � pull � the � pl ACK!!!!

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