The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


back again sort of

Well now.

I�m not exactly on a computer hiatus � because I�ll still sit down to check email and then think �oh I�ll just play Zuma (or Dynomite, or that Aztec Coin game thing) for a minute �.� And 3 hours later I realize it�s � well, 3 hours later.

I do read news and check DLand occasionally, and check in on my EQ friends almost nightly. But I rarely play EQ seriously now. Or post here (as you may have noticed).

I�m not sure why I�ve been losing interest. I suspect it�s lack of time to do all the things I want to do, and all the time spent doing things I have to do � and when all that time is taken up by EQ or DLand (which sometimes takes me hours to read if everyone I read has updated recently), none of the other stuff gets done.

And I miss some of that other stuff.

Fall is my favorite time of year, and I have a good camera with a decent telephoto lens. I plan to be at zoos or parks or wherever I can take nature pictures, a lot.

Partner�s family is huge and getting huger (2 more pregnant nieces), so there are even more birthdays, anniversaries, etc. going on plus the holidays are coming up.

Work �. Well, a lot has changed there and I love it. But it�s also now busier than ever because people are actually working, because it�s fun to work there now. So that�s also been keeping me there late in the evenings. And when I get home, I�m tired. The weekends I can sleep in but if I�m on the computer I can�t be outside or at the park or wherever else I might want to be.

I�m starting to feel like this machine is sucking the life out of me.

So � since I have only (maybe) 4 or 5 readers anyway, I�m going to just go on hiatus from here and EQ for a while and see if things start evening out some.

After all, it�s all about balance, and I�m feeling seriously OUT of that right now.

Mitakuye Oyasin

Walk in Balance

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