The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


FloofyQ Hijacks the Keyboard

FloofyQ Hijacks the Keyboard

Aha! Woofies to all! I managed to sneak in and snag the keyboard!

It is I, FloofyQ. Not so Q anymore though because I�ve lost weight and now am more like FloofySvelte *satisfied woof* Mom�s kinda worried but it helps when I�m trying to get through tight places.

Like yesterday, for instance �

Partner has this ongoing obsession with keeping me penned up! *growl* Can�t he just realize I�d rather be free? So, this battle of wits has been going on for years, earning me the nicknames of �Chisel-Snoot� and �Iron-Tooth� and a few like �Goddamn Dog� and such � and he�s earned nicknames from me which roughly correspond to �SmartAss� and �Anal Retentive Control Freak Guy� and such, but in dog language of course.

HAH! He thinks mere chain link fencing, sheet steel on the gate and concrete under the fence poles can keep me where I don�t want to be!

His latest is to bung chicken wire all around the wooden porch rail so I can�t squeeze through anymore, no matter how thin I get. But I showed him! Yesterday I managed to jump up the three feet to the porch level (not hard at all!) and hung there by my front paws to the rail while I chisel-snooted the chicken wire around until it made a hole big enough for me to get thru � then I ran down the porch to the area he didn�t think to put chicken wire on and slipped out. Heeheehee .. Swimming in the creek is SO much more fun when I�m not supposed to be there!!

Of course, Partner didn�t TELL anyone he was coming home early so here I am, blissfully enjoying myself down by the creek, and before I can chew the burrs out of my coat, guess who drives up? Yeah � old A-R Guy himself.


So then he went and put more chicken wire and wood and �fixed� the nice comfy hole I�d made � *sigh*

Well, we�ll see how I can find a way out today � *canine evil chuckle*

Notice I said �how�, not �if�.

Oops � gotta go.

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