The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


Work, Birthdays, Fishing and EQ

My office has been the unbelievable center of the universe for the Lions� Den this week. Teachers are coming back early and finding out they forgot to order something they really, really need NOW. Various department heads are seeing that faculty is, in fact, returning early and getting hit with the sudden realization that THEY haven�t ordered what they need to order to prepare � this latter category includes me, too, by the way. I�m all caught up on some stuff but not all of it and it�s getting to melt-down point here. And that�s funny, because people keep commenting to me on how I keep my cool under stress. And yet, not too long ago, certain other people were complaining about how I become such a bitch under stress. Go figure. LOL

Oh well. I guess it�s time to get off the computer, since it�s now past the time where I�d be expected to fix dinner. Heheh. I�m really bad when I get stressed � bad as in I want a lot of time to myself. And while I usually only eat lunch, I still go home to fix Partner dinner and sit and chat with him. But lately he�s been moodier than usual and I just tend to prefer to let him fix his own carnivorous left-overs while watching the ball game. That way I can come home tired after a full day�s work (and believe me, this time of year I DO work!) and say �oh, sorry � glad you got dinner� and go hit the computer till he�s asleep. Very bad, I know. But I tell ya, when he gets stressed-out moody and hits the martinis (the bar is a straight line from the door LOL) he�s not abusive but he IS non-communicative. So I go do what I want. Which, when I�m stressed out, is exactly what I want.

Speaking of round about ways of getting what you want � hehe.

My birthday is Friday.

We were picking up Partner�s parents (whom I adore) to go to his sister�s decade-something party this weekend, and there is another baby shower next weekend. So his mom asked if I was going and I offered her a ride. This woman is in her mid 80�s and sharp as a tack. I love her to pieces. Anyway, she said she�d let me know Friday if she needed a ride, and then said �oh! Friday is your birthday isn�t it?�. Which impressed the Hell outta me that she remembered.

Anyway, I was surfing the web in my home office on Sunday and Partner picked up the phone. Now, we have DSL but we�ve been having �issues� lately that make it work a lot like dial-up. Faster, but quirky. So when he picked up the phone it disconnected me. At least I wasn�t in some furious EQ battle where the pseudo-lives of characters depended on my spells or anything (oh yeah that burns me when it happens). So I calmly went into the kitchen and heated up a cup of tea while he was on the phone.

Making plans with his buddies to go fishing.

This weekend.

Taking off Friday to get up to the lake early.

Now, that�s actually fine with me. But I sat there and when he hung up I said, stirring my tea, �so � you and Dugie are going fishing on my birthday weekend?�

He did have the grace to look (briefly) sheepish and followed it up with �yeah. Um � you want to go out to dinner Thursday night?�

I just kinda chuckled and proceeded to mention about the disconnect, which he fixed (sort of). Then I went and played EQ.

Which is exactly what I�m gonna do this weekend. Woohooo!! No disapproving looks for 2 whole days while I indulge in my vice.

So, he gets to go fishing and I get what I really want for my birthday which is time to myself.

And I really don�t think either one of us feels bad about it.


Mitakuye Oyasin

Walk in Balance

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