The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


The blood test results

Well, FloofyQ's blood work got done, and the vet called me this evening. Apparently she has some elevated levels of some stuff that leads him to believe she might have Cushing's Disease.


The interesting part is that she's exhibited a lot of the major symptoms all her life. I've had her since she was 7 weeks old and she's 7 years old now. She's always had what I call a "gerbil bladder" and she's always drunk a lot of water. She's always breathed quickly, panting almost all the time she's not sleeping. She's always been prone to urinating in the house, even though she is house trained and will go outside, and if we're traveling she won't usually have any accidents. But we have puppy pads down for her in the one room here that she tends to favor for that purpose. (the previous owner was a vet and had several pets ... which no doubt used that spot too, and most likely why she started using it)

The thought of her having a tumor all along is staggering.

But we'll do what we need to, or at least I will. Partner was floored, absolutely flabbergasted, the other night when we were discussing the options should she have severe arthritis. A friend's dog had had a hip replacement, and the vet had also mentioned that as a possibility with arthritis. Partner couldn't believe someone would do a hip replacement for a dog. Then I mentioned the strapped on wheels some pets use if their back legs don't work or if they're missing a leg. That really got him. I just gave him my "we are so not going to discuss this" look, as he has issues relating to buying treats at Three Dog Bakery for "Just a dog" when there are kids starving .... blah blah blah.

Did I mention we don't agree on certain things? Like pets and how far one goes in taking care of them. To him they're pets. To me they're companions. Big difference.

Anyway, I'm just a tad concerned, but there is still a urine test to rule out Cushing's. So now I get to follow Floofy around the yard with a pan, trying to get her to pee in it.


Mitakuye Oyasin

Walk in Balance

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