The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


Koalas and a Floofy Update

NNNNoooooooooooo!!!!!! I just read THIS and was aghast. Somehow, I'd always thought of Australia as wide open country with a few cities and urban sprawls along the coasts, but I had no idea that was exactly where these little guys lived :( *sigh*

So many .... just so many species are being slowly (or not so slowly) driven to extinction by Man's need to grow, grow grow.


Well, FloofyQ had her X-Rays tonight. The vet was happy with the way it looked, but did sort of chuckle when he pointed out some various dark areas lined up in a rather sinuous pattern ... apparently they were gas pockets that we'll be experiencing later this evening, so at least we get fair warning.

Other than that, Her Floofiness seems fine. Of course, she was bounding around the vet's office like Tigger again, her nose as cold and wet as it's been in a week.

The blood work should be back tomorrow or the next day, at which time we'll find out if there's another shoe to drop in the form of some hideous tick-borne disease. Otherwise, she's soon to be back to her springy, Floofy self.

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