The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


Donut Shop Cats

OK ... I just found THIS and it brought back memories of all the "Cops vs. Donut" jokes I've heard.

And my cats.

A long time ago I had a female cat that I'd been given, who was pregnant. One of her kittens I kept, and he (as cats do) mated with her and she had another litter. I kept one of those. So eventually I had 2 cats: Shiloh and Muggsy. Shiloh was 2 years older than Muggsy, and was the latter's father AND his half brother. (no they weren't from Arkansas)

They were both black and white, and there were only one or two distinguishing characteristics with which to tell them apart.

First, the penguin jokes started.

Friend: "Those things need to go in the freezer"

Me: "!!!"

Friend: "Well, penguins like cold, and it's much cooler in there."

Me: "These are cats, not penguins"

Friend: "no no! Penguins are black and white, and these are black and white ... penguins can't fly ... these can't fly. Of course they're penguins"

Me: "But these have long tails and penguins don't"

Friend: "Sure they do! See!? (pointing to the cats)"

Me: *sigh*

Anyway ... that circular logic got old after a while and another friend started calling them the "Black & White Patrol Cats".

Then, one day a few years later, when the two black and white felines had grown older and quite a bit chubbier, someone referred to the "Patrol Cats" and said friend said "Oh no ... those are Donut Shop Cats now..."

So ... anyway that article reminded me of those cats.

I miss them.

I was there the day Shiloh was born, and named him for the Neil Diamond song. The verse "Shiloh, when I was young, I used to call your name. When no one else would come, Shiloh you always came" ... and he was the one kitten of the bunch who would come when I called him.

I was also there the day Muggsy was born, and he was a gangsta at heart. We used to dress him up in our minds and words: "picture Muggsy with a Fedora and violin case!" etc.

Each of them lived for 18 years. Each of them died in my arms.

I don't even want to think of how devastated I'll be when the dogs cross the Rainbow Bridge. It's a whole different interactive relationship with dogs.

I will be useless for weeks.


Mitakuye Oyasin

Walk in Balance

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