The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


Swish, Swoops and Unrest

Day 1 of Girlin� with Floofy, as hissandtell called it in my notes.

Partner did leave after all, around 7pm. So that left time for me to make another necklace for another coworker to wear to this big event Saturday, and play EverQuest for a little while. Didn�t bother with SWiSH though, but I should do that soon. Tonight I have to make earrings to go with the above-mentioned necklace, and possibly another necklace, but we�ll see.

Right now I�m reveling in the concept of Swoops. Have you ever had those? They�re CHOCOLATE PRINGLES!!! What a wonderful idea! And these are smaller, so they actually fit across your tongue and against the roof of your mouth. Well, they would if your mouth were a little bigger than mine � they break when I try it. But what a cool idea!

It�s cool and cloudy today (some would say cold and gloomy but I actually like this kind of weather). It�s quite a contrast to yesterday, which was sunny and a lot warmer. But both types of day are both energizing and calming to me. I either want to be out roaming in the woods or going to the zoo or snuggled up in bed, reading or sleeping. If I could figure out how to do all that at once, I�d be happy. And rich, once I marketed the secret.

Speaking of rich � I was just reading an article in the NYTimes about how the percentage of students entering the �prestige� colleges like Harvard, Yale, Michigan, etc., whose parents make over $100,000 a year is growing, and they are now concerned more with economical diversity than racial diversity. Apparently they�re working out ways to encourage the less financially able to still attend the �best� universities. Like offering more financial aid, or free tuition, or whatever. But first they have to encourage those kids to apply, and most don�t even try.

I�m of mixed feelings on that issue. But one of the things they mentioned was the huge pressure to get the kids into the �Right� schools, and that got me thinking again of how I have mixed feelings about the way schools handle the college thing now.

Good grief!! They start on these kids in 6th grade, with �College Talk� nights and similar events for both parents and students. Some of the classes offered in the better districts and private schools are on how to pass the entrance and AP exams, rather than the actual subject. So much focus is on the big name universities that, at times, it becomes insane.

Heaven forefend should a student either not want to go to college or choose one not on the �A List�! Talk about college counseling!! That kid and his/her parents would be yanked into the advisor or counselor's office so quick for a �guidance session� it would be like a cartoon.

What is it with the drive for perceived success we have here in America? It used to be Japan that was the leader of the structured, driven society where education was concerned. Now it�s us.

One of the things about Genghis Khan that I thought was kind of interesting was, that he�d conquer a place, but let them keep their traditions and culture for the most part. He�d even absorb some of it into his own.

What are we, a nation of Genghis Khans? We have to rule. We have to lead. Then we have to become what we conquered.

Japan? They sent their warriors to war with us, and we won. We left them with the more placid men, the women and the children, after all the bombings. Once they were �subdued� we welcomed them. Now we try to be like them.

Native Americans? They were where we wanted to be. We fought them; we tried to eradicate them. We finally gave up and put them on land we didn�t want, in Reservations. Did all we could to demean them and destroy their culture. Now, it�s �cool� to be Native. People everywhere are wannabe Indians. The real Navaho, Lakota, Pawnee, and whatever are, in so many places, relegated to a life of poverty, performing and selling their wares to the rich �American� and European tourists.

African? We plundered their villages, stole their children and young adults for slaves. Treated them as property. (Never mind what the white Europeans have done in Africa) The Civil War was less about the abomination of slavery as it was about the economics, but it did result in emancipation. Now? Well, now there are all kinds of mandates about minorities in general. But have you noticed the fashion trends? All the stuff that, at one time, was snubbed by White America as �Black clothing, Black styles�, is now in fashion for everyone. The prints, the colors, the hairstyles. The music! It�s all there.

We conquer, debase and steal. Then we make it our own.

How moral is that?

I�m not even going to go into my opinions on what we�re doing to the environment.


And we wonder why we have so much racial unrest.

And we wonder why people just give up and stop trying, in either education or money matters, by not bothering with higher education, and filing bankruptcy.

And we wonder why we�re so embittered, confused, and stressed.

This got a lot longer and convoluted than I originally intended! My apologies!

Just don�t worry � be happy. Go have a Swoops.

That�s what I�m going to do.

Mitakuye Oyasin

Walk in Balance

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