The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


Hump day musings

Ahhh what to write, what to write.

Today is such a gorgeous, yea beauteous, day, that all I want to do is sit outside and listen to the birds and soak up the sun while it�s still cool enough to avoid sweating.

I hate sweating. My mother used to say she didn�t sweat, she perspired. And preferred to say �glowed� � heh. She used to bake in the sun drinking hot coffee to an extent that made me certain it addled her brain. Later in life I was sure of it.

Anyway �

Partner is leaving tonight to go turkey hunting. I�d say turkey shooting, but that kind of implies that he actually gets to see one. He�s taking D-Dog, so Floofy Cubed and I have at least 4 days of just us girls.

Too bad I have to work tomorrow and Friday. And have a work-related big �to-do� on Saturday.


In other news, I arrived at the Lions� Den today to find a couple pieces of nice candy and a card, hand addressed and signed by our Principal. Apparently it�s �Administrative Staff Day�, which garnered me not only the candy but a huge (and very nice) geranium plant as well. I guess this is replacing the former �Secretaries� Day�, since so many people were offended at either 1. being called a secretary rather than receptionist or whatever they preferred to be called, or 2. felt left out because they did secretarial work but weren�t considered a secretary. Go figure.

Anyway, it�s been amazingly peaceful this week, given that there�s this huge event coming up. Usually people are prowling around looking for people to bite, or running around like the proverbial headless chicken, waiting to be chomped on. I�m not sure what caused the change, but I like it.

Of course, it�s only Wednesday.

Oh well time to play with the resident canine.

Mitakuye Oyasin

Walk in Balance

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