The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


Babies, SWiSH and Mondays

Ahhhh back from baby-land ... that child is just so beautiful. And I never did care for children much. At least not ones too young to run errands and wash dishes. Babies were never my "thing". I've always preferred puppies or kittens or, well, anything but human babies.

I still am not fond of them, actually.

But this one ... she is just sooooooo cuuuttteee!

Anyway *ahem* Back to normal.

Work today was definitely work. The Prima Lion had returned to the Lions' Den for the week (maybe two, we're not certain at this point).

Surprisingly, things were rather calm, if still busy. Everyone expected Prima Lion to come screeching in, biting heads off right and left.

And it didn't happen.

So, needless to say, we were all pretty happy about that.

However it was a Monday, and a definite Monday it was. Very busy, all day.

Then, around mid-afternoon, we had a *da da da DUM* Prom Emergency.

I'll spare the details of the lost order, items no longer in stock that would have been here already had the order not been lost, etc., etc. Suffice it to say I had a rather harried afternoon.

Then everyone went home and I got some paperwork done.

I got home at 7:30pm.

Rewind to the trip to see Beautiful Baby.

Her mother, my Chosen Daughter, does a lot of website stuff and uses the SWiSH program a lot. That's what she used for the link I posted last time. Soooo .... she gave me the info so I could download it, try it, and see if I wanted to buy it.

Here's the LINK for those of you who may be interested.

Anyway, she uses SWiSH2, which she demonstrated for me and looked fairly easy. At least with a little work. When I got back home Saturday, napped until Sunday, and woke up ... I downloaded it and gave it a try.

Now ... Being the type of person I tend to be, if SWiSH2 was good, and SWiSHMax gave even more cool options, then let's get SWiSHMax, eh?


At least I haven't bought it yet. But I am sure wishing I'd just done the trial for the one she showed me, because the one I got is driving me nuts.

I was planning on working on it some more tonight but since I didn't get much sleep last night because of the heat (Partner didn't want to turn on the A/C in April, even though it was close to 90 degrees up in the 2nd floor bedroom), and after the aforementioned day at work, I decided to just type a bit here and hit the hay.

So that's what I'll do.

Movies of our Christmas and the dogs will just have to wait until my eyeballs don't feel gritty and my head will stay put on my shoulders for more than about 20 minutes at a time.

More days like today, and I expect that will be sometime around the year 2006.

Mitakuye Oyasin

Walk in Balance

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