The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


Today's Highway Scenes

Still working on the 100 questions that hissandtell posted. Although, I�m not certain there were actually questions. I suspect it was more along the lines of 100 things about me or some such.

However, that�s not what I am doing today. Today I want to share yet another thing I saw on the road on the way to work.


Two of them.

Doing what all good, healthy mockingbirds do this time of year.

You remember that song, Dead Skunk in the Middle of the Road?

Well, this was Mockingbird Funk in the Middle of the Road.

Seriously!! I had just gotten off the highway and was sitting in a 2 lane street at a stoplight. The right hand lane was thankfully empty, since that�s where the two love-birds were going at it. And they were, let me tell you, going at it. All the cars lining up at the stoplight just pulled over into the left hand lane, so as not to interrupt I guess. Or maybe they just didn�t want bird-goo on their tires. I don�t know. But it was a sight, I tell ya!

Now, I�ve seen animals mate before. I�m not that sheltered.

And I�ve seen birds fight before. Cats look and sound like they�re fighting when they�re mating and they probably actually are fighting while they�re mating.

But birds are supposed to be delicate. Eagles and hawks do this weirdly graceful, aerodynamic dance in the sky, clasping talons and all kinds of other romantic birdy stuff. This, however, was WWF right there in the middle of the road. There was no doubt what was on *his* agenda, but she didn�t appear to want any part of it. He did manage to get her on her back, smack dab in the middle of the lane, wings a�flappin� and all � but after a few humps she managed to extricate herself and attempt to fly off.

The light turned green.

The first two cars went but the one in front of me was moving veeerrrryyyy slowly. I was riveted.

That�s right � I am a bird voyeur. So shoot me.

At any rate, after a couple of brief, yet brutal looking tussles, she managed to fly off. I assume it was she. Who knows how mockingbirds are? The bird-rapist followed and as I drove away to the sound of car horns, they two were lost in the trees.

Sadly, my camera was in the car, but in its case. I was not able to get the thing out and operating fast enough to catch the action for all you bird-porn lovers out there.

On a more family-oriented note, I leave in about an hour or less to make a 4 hour drive up to see my chosen daughter, her chosen mate, and their baby (my therefore, chosen grandchild).

I just love choosing my family. It�s so much handier that way.

At any rate, she�s a beautiful girl and has a beautiful daughter and I will be taking many, many pictures

Mitakuye Oyasin

Walk in Balance

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