The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow



Ok ... after a few weeks of Hell-At-Work, I am now officially on SPRING BREAK!

Woohoooooo *waving tiny flags*

Now ... lessee ... what to do what to do ... how about BE A BUM! YEAH!

So, Here I am, spending a few days doing as little as possible.

Things like curling up on the bed under the skylight of a late morning with D-Dog and the Floofy One.

Or play EQ! Yah! Jumping online to talk gnomad into playing one of his characters so I can get him killed.

Just sitting on the porch, listening to the birds chirp (when I can hear them between the dogs barking at the squirrels)

Speaking of squirrels.

We had "a" squirrel raiding the bird feeder and the dogs would go nuts every time it showed up. D-Dog knocked down a plant we'd been nurturing for a year and this St. Paddy's Day (it being a genuine Shamrock) it was looking just great. Until D-Dog hit it. *sigh* It's now a bit bedraggled but still among the living.

Anyhoo ... this "squirrel" I pretty much ignored. Then yesterday as I was coming downstairs to the sounds of the multitudinous odd sounds D-Dog can make, I noticed the squirrel was 2. Then 3. Oh look .. another squirrel. My my ... where'd THAT one come from?

There was a veritable TRIBE of scurrilae out there, all intent on raiding the birdfeeder, sitting and basking on our chiminea, and sniffing at the Partner's truck wheels (what, they planning on eating that too?).


I have a feeling, come squirrel season, it's gonna be payback time. And I don't LIKE the taste of squirrel. But the Partner feels that, if he's feeding them, they should feed HIM. To me, it seems a tad rude to eat your neighbors, but I won't be the one cleaning, cooking and consuming them so ... *rather uncomfortable shrug*

Where was I?

Oh yes ... vacation.

Whooopppiieee!!! *bringing out the tiny flags again*

We are leaving for Santa Fe, NM, Monument Valley, AZ and various parts of Utah and Colorado on Saturday. For 8 or 9 days. We were going to take D-Dog and the Floofy One but finally decided that we'd have more of a vacation without them. Partner gets a bit stressed worried about whether Floofy One is going to snarl at someone or D-Dog will decide he's not running for office anymore and go from his usual ear-rubbing-slut Ferengi guise to a snarling Wolf-thing and take someone's leg off. (not really but Partner does get a bit stressed about it)

So ... we have this really great kennel in the area, with which I feel comfortable leaving my 4 footed fur-kids.

I told Partner it was "only" $600 for the week.

I lied.

He's still not appeased, as he's worried now about the "$600" to kennel the dogs.

We won't talk about the extra play time they're NOT charging us for 2 dogs, and the fact that I kind of left off about a hundred bucks there.

But I'm paying for it so why is HE stressed?

So the gist of this is, this is what I've been doing and why I haven't updated.

And this is what I'll BE doing and why I WON'T be updating for a while.


We'll take lots of pics and I will attempt to keep a diary while on the road (no computer) and update you when we return.

Mitakuye Oyasin

Walk in Balance

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