The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


The travelers return ...

Well, we're back from our trip, all in one piece, more or less.

Arriving a day or so early, we were able to pick up D-Dog and the Floofy One at the kennel before they closed for the weekend, and glad we were about that! The entire time we were gone we were asking anyone we met with a dog at hand if we could visit with them. It made for some interesting conversation.

Anyway, just a note here to keep my hand in. Tales such as Partner, the rattlesnake, and me... and the various philosophical ruminations elicited by the scenery and other things we saw along the way will have to wait.

We drove 800 miles today in one fell swoop, and I've just spent the last 4 or so hours feeding my EQ addiction after being gone for a week.

Mitakuye Oyasin

Walk in Balance

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