The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


Last minute frenzies

Today is Monday.

It�s a typical Monday.

But on top of it being a typical Monday, it�s also the first day of the last week before a 2 week break here at the Lions� Den. Therefore, I am trying my best to clean up loose ends and forge through the mighty heaps of paperwork that have been accruing since we got back from winter break in January. Guess what? So is everyone else.

So � since my job is to accommodate everyone else and make their jobs easier, guess whose paperwork just got buried by all the last minute projects of everyone else?


Yah, yah, I know � welcome to the working world.

At least in the Lions� Den I�m one of the lions. One low in the food chain and way down on the pecking order, but a lion nonetheless. *mew*

That helps.

But when it comes to shit rolling downhill, here, we are apparently in a delta. A veritable alluvium of shit with nowhere else to go, so it just sort of drifts back and forth before settling to the bottom to await another go.

But it beats Corporate America, hands down.

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