The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


only 12 things? hmmmmm ...

Ok shamelessly lifted from Gnomad, who shamelessly lifted from LeftUnspoken ...

"So, say you were meeting a new person--blind date, new friend, who knows--and you wanted them to have some idea of what kind of person you are, and who you are. But you can't actually tell them in so many words. Instead, you have to give them a box, with a dozen things in it for them to look at/read/listen to/taste/whatever. What would you put in the box? And a copy of your journal or a link to your journal would be the same thing as just telling them directly, yourself, so that's not allowed."

This is going to be tough ... especially for someone as eclectic and chaotic as I tend to be. But I'll give it a go.

(no order here, just tossed into the box)

1. a montage of pictures of all my pets (ferrets, cats and dogs)

2. a small box of gemstone beads: carved jade, pearl, garnet, carnelian, etc.

3. a CD with music selected specifically for this purpose: medieval, celtic, native american, and new age. Must include Pachelbel's Canon in D

4. Everquest Boxed set.

5. Information on the Society for Creative Anachronism

6. my wallet: with pictures of my partner, and membership cards to the various wildlife and environmental organizations, business cards of friends and from select places I frequent.

7. a stuffed (plush) otter

8. a dreamcatcher with owl and raven feathers, and a prism in the center.

9. a selection of scented oils, primarily sandalwood, cinnamon, myrrh, frankincense, carnation, and rose

10. a pomegranate

11. a set of brushes and paint.

12. Mark Twain's A Pen Warmed Up In Hell

And you know, this list will change weekly or so, as I replace things that become more or less important as things move on.

Life is constantly changing - constantly in motion - once you no longer change, you no longer grow. And once you stop changing and growing you stagnate and die.

Even in death, there are changes. You can't escape Change, so just embrace it.

Hmmm maybe I should have put a perpetual motion machine in there hehe.

Mitakuye Oyasin

Walk in Balance

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