The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


Waves of Thoughts

I want to go here. Soon.

There's just something about great expanses of open water and sky that call to me. I don't know why. I was born and raised in the Midwest so I'm a rivers and streams and woods type gal. But the open sea ...

I've been to the Atlantic around Boston and the Pacific around Southern California. And to the Wisconsin side of Lake Michigan, which sort of counts as a sea. All different, yet all call equally.

I admit I do have a penchant for the wilder New England shores ... or the rocky one of the Western side of Lake Michigan.

Smooth calm sandy beaches are ok but tend to attract too many human beings. A large percentage of these seem to favor swimwear ill-suited to their physique.

*shrug* Frankly it's not the garb but the people themselves I prefer to avoid. When I want to commune with nature, I want to be alone with it. And the irony is, all those places to which you can go and do that are now being overrun by tourists.

On the one hand, tourism is what keeps the parks going. On the other hand, it's what's destroying them.

Go figure.

And it says something (although I'm not sure what) about our culture, when so many people want or need to get away from it all -- to commune with nature. So many of them that they are destroying all the solitude just by being there in such numbers. The only place to go anymore, it seems, to get away from people is to stay home! *shaking head*

I'm sure there are places one can go to be rid of the madding crowd, but many of those are on private land or off limits to the general public. If they aren't, chances are there will be at least half a dozen other people there, looking for the same solitude. Which, of course, defeats the purpose of solitude. A rather bit difficult to accomplish solitude in groups eh?

Ah well ... the S.O. and I will be taking our dogs and heading to NM and AZ in a couple weeks ... hopefully there are still places out in the desert where the only humans we see will be each other.

Even if it's only for the duration of a sunset.

I don't think they're selling those yet, are they?

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