The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


Too tired to sleep ....

Well, spent another 10 hours playing EQ and not much in the way of experience was to be had ... but I DID have a lot of fun :) ... I have more fun helping my guild mates level up I think than I do getting experience groups LOL ... just too bad I don't get experience for good deeds. Oh well.

I've made a few more necklaces tonight. One turned out different than I expected but still looks ... interesting. Did I mention I make jewelry? Semiprecious gemstones, gold, silver ... all beads. I don't do the actual goldsmith or silversmith work. At least not yet. One day I hope to learn that but right now I'm just not set up for it and don't really have the time. But I do hope to get enough pieces done to make the next area craft show. Will probably be selling a few already to friends. Not enough to actually quit my day job, mind you ... I'll be happy just to make a portion of what I've spent on materials back, so I can go buy MORE materials *grin*

Well, I suppose since it's nearly 4:30am I should try to get some sleep.

More tomorrow

Mitakuye Oyasin

Walk in Peace

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