The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


And later, that same day ...

Awake, and with coffee in hand, I feel actually human :) Of course, it helps that the weather outside is absolutely gorgeous and I have every door in the house open, including the one in my office here. I love having an office with a door to the outside and the porch! Not only is it convenient when the dogs need out in the middle of an intense Everquest adventure, but it's just damn nice to be able to be online and effectively outdoors at the same time!

Our house has wooded areas on 2 sides, and a large front yard, so although we can see the house on the one side next door and a couple of the houses across the street, it's pretty secluded for a house so close to the city. Of course, when the weather is good (and usually even when it's not :( ) the kids in the neighborhood stroll up and down our driveway to better cut through to the path in the woods next door .. which leads up to the street behind and above. Otherwise they might have to walk half a mile or more to get to their buddy's house ! So the dogs bark a lot. I mean, really, a LOT. After almost 2 years here though we haven't heard a complaint. I think the next door neighbors are deaf. :)

Well, time to jump into EQ ... more on the acquisition of this amazing house in a later post.

Mitakuye Oyasin

Walk in Peace

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