The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


An intriguing picture ...

This is one of my favorite pictures that I've found recently ... I have no idea of its origin. The frolicking foxes (or ferrets or whatever those little animals are meant to be) just tickles me to pieces. This picture makes me smile.

I used to have ferrets. And cats. Four of each. Talk about frolic! For 15 years I had ferrets and cats. I miss them (they all lived to ripe old ages and then I happened upon puppies ... and the rest is history). However, my current lifestyle (and life partner) just wouldn't get along well with the chaotic behavior and general messiness of ferrets so ... dogs it will be.

But back to the picture. It brings to mind something I heard or read about Japanese were-foxes. I wonder if that is what these are meant to represent? I should really learn more about that culture and its myths, one of these days.

Anyway ... I know I ramble here but it's almost 4:30am and I've been up for close to 24 hours. For an ol' lady like me that's a long time! And most of it was spent staring at either a computer screen or at tiny beads. (more on my jewelry in some other post)

To anyone who may be reading this, may your weekend be all you wish it to be.

Mitakuye Oyasin

Walk in Peace

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