The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


woot I'm a virgin again!

Well, now. . .

Up until today I didn't know this place even existed, let alone what it was. Now, thanks to a good friend I've not yet met, I have my own diary!

However, at the moment I'm still figuring out how this li'l puppy works, so bear with me *grin*

Right now, I'm finding it highly entertaining that, as a "first", this makes me a diary-virgin. I don't think I even ever kept one as a girl, let alone later in life. Too busy doing stuff I guess. When I did write, it was poetry. Which, I suppose, is sort of a diary if you think about it.

Anyway, hello to all of you out there! *gestures in sort of a cross between a wave and a salute* I hope to me making your acquaintance soon.

Mitakuye Oyasin

Walk in Peace

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