The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


I survived!

The evil wisdom teeth of doom are gone. (yayy!)

The pain has commenced. (not good)

It's not as bad (yet) as I thought it would be (yayy again)

But it's only been 6 hours. We'll see.

Actually, I think the collateral damage pain is worse ... the base of the tongue, inside of my mouth, throat ... all that is worse than the actual teeth. Well, where the teeth were, anyway.

They said to eat something more substantial than Jello, like scrambled eggs. So Partner made me some when we got home, and I was able to slowly shovel most of it into my mouth and swallow it without dropping too many crumbles off my totally numb lips. So the pain pills (don't remember what they are but they said it was stronger than Vicodin, whatever they are) did not manage to make me wretch or anything for taking them on an empty stomach. Joy.

Then I slept the sleep of the severely drugged. I did not even hear the phone ring or Partner telling people I was "just fine! She's out weeding the garden in fact!" ... ha ha.

A bit ago I got up to get Partner to replace the ice bag, which seemed to have sprung a leak, and to take another pill after spooning in some pudding first. Since I'm supposed to keep drinking a lot of water I am now trying to see how long I can sit up, drink water, hold an ice pack to my jaws, and type, all without falling out of the chair.

Wish me luck :)

Mitakuye Oyasin

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