The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


Goats vs sheep

I have decided that, as much as I liked goats before, I prefer sheep.

Hmmm ... maybe I'd better explain that eh?

In the past, I always though sheep were pretty much walking wool with no real personality, but goats were fun.

My cousin has sheep. These are an Icelandic breed of sheep, raised with human interaction, and not your garden variety American sheep. They are smart. They know their names. They are affectionate.

And the lambs are SOOOO SOFT!!!!

I just got back from visiting again and had a great time. We went out to the pasture and just kinda hung around and fed bits of dried alfalfa to the sheep, who gathered around greedily, several attempting to be lap sheep in the process. It was very relaxing, actually.

I made the comment that it'd be really neat, if it were a little cooler, say, in the Fall, to just kinda lay down with 'em and fall asleep against all that soft wool.

I was informed that yes, indeed ... that WAS relaxing.


So .... we are planning a fall Sheep Sleepover ... just us girls (the sheep are mostly ewes with a few weathered baby ram lambs).

Should be a blast. hehe.

No sheep jokes, please.

Mitakuye Oyasin

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