The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


Help! I've dabbled and I can't stop!

OK � now I can�t stop making long, dangly earrings!

I blame hissandtell. It was she-of-the-scrumptious-taste-in-stuff who got me making them, three pairs of which will be going to Australia shortly.

But now I can�t make the old, plain, boring, normal ones anymore. They look so � so � mundane.

Mind you, I would never be able to get away with wearing the sort I made for Ms Hiss. And I know chandelier earrings are all the rage now, but sheesh.

And speaking of the resident of Chez Hiss � WHERE ARE YOU HISS??? I miss you! I miss reading your breathtaking paragraphs a mile long! I want to hear about the acclimation of your new piglet!

Heh � maybe that�ll get her posting again eh?

Mitakuye Oyasin

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