The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


Another Jewelry Project Done

Well now ... I just spent the last few hours putting together some looonnnggg earrings, all nice and dangly and with fringy bits and pearls for hissandtell, and emailed her the picture. Let's hope it's a winner!

It was really fun making those. I'd never done that much chaining together of wire and beads and such, and it was quite the learning experience. I don't know that many people that actually wear those kinds of earrings around here but I think I'll make a few more anyway. It's funny how, when you're making one thing, all kinds of ideas for other, similar yet totally different, things occur.

Since I now keep my camera right here, and take pictures of all my "creations", they get popped into my files and updated to Flickr right away now (or within a day or so). So if you want to see the current creation, it be there!

Now I just need to figure out how to not have all my zoo pictures mixed in with the jewelry!

Mitakuye Oyasin!

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