The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


Another Jewelry Frenzy

Well, it looks like things are moving along with my jewelry projects. A friend got me going now on chandelier earrings (!) and I�ve been working on those. Yikes! I can�t imagine someone with larger hands than mine trying to get in there with a needle-nose and close those jump rings! Earrings aren�t all that difficult but they sure are time consuming. Especially when you keep undoing and re-doing them, because you don�t quite like the look yet � hehe. Then again, I do that with everything I make, usually, so that�s nothing new.

I�ve been bad and ordered more �stuff� � but hey, I need those things! It doesn�t matter that I have boodles of beads already, they aren�t these beads � these specific ones, that I really, really need for this next piece � and no, those ones there that look nearly identical aren�t really the same at all.


Uh huh � I keep sneaking them in the house when Partner isn�t looking. Since the friend mentioned above actually spent two weekends of her life in my craft room, trying to get it organized for me, I don�t usually let her know either.

�Hmm? What box? Oh, this box? No � no, it�s just � um � stuff� *as I whisk said box with an obvious return address under my desk*. Sometimes having a friend volunteer to deliver your mail for you works against ya. But as long as I keep the stuff in the drawers, all her hard work wasn�t for nothing. I mean, my office IS much cleaner and neater. No more �crazed raccoon� d�cor. Now it�s more like a nice, organized, um � badger sett? Heheh.

Anyway, I�ll have to post some pics of my jewelry soon. Just in case anyone actually reads this 

Mitakuye Oyasin!

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