The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


Political Campaign in a Cartoon Nutshell and other musings

Things I�d like to say to and ask of the two candidates now that they�ve debated thrice on National TV:

You�ve made it abundantly clear that you both spin facts, have differing views and believe the other is an asshole and a jerk, if not an outright slacker.

When did �lifelong liberal� become a mortal insult intended to show unfitness for government?

Do you even listen to the questions you don�t answer?

Where do you each stand on some of the lesser-discussed issues like the ethical treatment of animals, and the huge disparity in incomes between top management and bottom rung employees?

Do any of you read history books? Did any of it sink in?

Do you agree with the Pope when he claimed that Hitler and the Holocaust were �a necessary evil�? Why?

How do you manage to sleep at night?

Basically I see the entire election in terms of this question: Who would you rather have running the country and telling you what to do and how to do it - Elmer Fudd and Wile E. Coyote, or Bugs Bunny and the Road Runner?

Then go vote.

Mitakuye Oyasin

Walk in Balance

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