The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


Baby Bird Update

Well, baby bird was not to be found when I got home last night. I was going to be late, so I�d called Partner and warned him to be on the lookout. When I got home it was still daylight, and since Partner said he hadn�t been able to find it, I figured I�d go look.

No bird.

No feathers or scuffle-marks either, which I deemed a plus.

I scoured the yard within 10 yards of the area I�d left the li�l guy and found nothing. There were a few areas that looked like something small , perhaps a bird like an adult robin, might have rested there a while but no sign of any conflict or mayhem, and no bird.

So my positive, optimistic and look-for-the-silver-lining side tells me that his parents found him, and are even now teaching the little flapper how to fly and not land in a curious Labrador-mutt�s pen.

However, my more negative, pessimistic and cynical side hints that a stray cat probably just snatched up the morsel and ran off into the woods to enjoy his catch.


Sometimes I really hate being able to see more than one side of an issue or more than one result of some action or other.

Mitakuye Oyasin

Walk in Balance

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