The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


catching up

Yeah, yeah, I know ... I've been remiss.

Thing is, it's my busy time at the Lions' Den, and a lot of "events" have been going on here at home with family and friends and such.

And to be honest, I read the damn world news in the morning and just get so blasted annoyed, frustrated, depressed and generally disgusted I can't think of anything but rants.



OK where did I leave off? Oh yes ... my ex's 40th.

I went.

I was actually greeted by his mom not only cordially but warmly (!!).

I saw a bunch of people I hadn't seen in a while, drank a lot of wine, and generally had a great time. In fact, I drank enough wine that I was able to eat the shish kebab my sister in law had told her dad to make cause she remembered I liked it ... (she didn't know I'd gone pretty much vegetarian).

So now, I'm still mostly a vegetarian but will eat a little meat occasionally if it's served to me and I don't want to be rude.


What else?

Hmmm well .... the former head Lion at the Lions' Den has formally retired. The new leader of the pack is looking promising. Good things are happening and it looks to be an exciting year.

It was interesting to note that, the very next faculty meeting after the head Lion had left, that the issues of integrity and honesty were able to be discussed. And the fact that our students either didn't know what that meant, or didn't care, since it didn't seem to matter.

Yep, should be an interesting year.

Anyway ... that's all for now, and dangerspouse can stop looking at his name atop my entry and see it at the bottom instead *insert evil grin here*

Walk in Balance!

Mitakuye Oyasin

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