The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


Squirrels Abounding

hehe thanks again dangerspouse for this little self-illumination:

Ravyncrow is a radioactive squirrel!!



And I found this little website on squirrelx's site, which still has me giggling.

Hmmm I Just realized ... what's with all the squirrels today, eh?

I guess maybe S.I.B. is getting ready to invade the (supposedly bird)feeder again.

On a totally different note, I'm waiting to hear from my (ex) sister-in-law. She's coming to town from the cicada-stricken east coast for my ex husband's 40th birthday. Since I'm still friends with him, and she and I still consider each other as a sister, I'm going. But Partner is being really quiet so I'm not sure if he's just being his usual weekend self (i.e. he quietly putters around doing "responsible" stuff in the yard and house while I play on the computer or make jewelry) or if it bothers him. Of course, he wouldn't SAY it bothered him, but you never know. And no, I don't want it to bother him, in case you were wondering LOL

Anyway ... since I was going to go early to visit with Sis and her family a while before the 6pm start time, and since she was supposed to be here 3 hours ago, I think I'll call.

Mitakuye Oyasin

Walk in Balance

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