The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


Canine Termites

There have been a spate of �fly on the wall� posts lately so I�ll just jump right on that bandwagon, for want of anything better today. Not that there�s anything that exciting or titillating going on at home (or here at the Lions� Den) lately. But the following is a fairly frequent scenario:

Partner: "have you been in the great room lately?"

Me: "umm ... a few minutes ago. Why?"

Partner: "where are the dogs?"

Floofy Cubed & D-Dog: *running back to my office and hiding behind me*

Me: "what did they do now?"

Floofy Cubed & D-Dog: *tails wagging furiously, attempt at an innocent look on their faces*

Partner: "$(*&)$#^%@!$@%!!!!!!" *sounds of the vacuum*

Me: "what happened? What�s wrong?"

Floofy Cubed & D-Dog: *looking worried but trying to be casual about it*

Partner: *door slams*

Me: *sigh*

Me: *hauling ass to the greatroom*

Floofy Cubed & D-Dog: *following, tails a-wagging, tongues a-flopping*

Me: *upon seeing an entire log chewed to smithereens. Little smithereens. Lots of little smithereens* "OMG!"

Floofy Cubed & D-Dog: *looking inordinately proud of themselves*

Me: "ok, which one of you is the termite in a dog suit? Nevermind ... I know."

D-Dog: *has the grace to look at least partly remorseful*

Floofy Cubed: *grins a wolfish grin, because D-Dog is getting in trouble again*

Rinse and repeat.


This is a very common occurrence in our house. Sometimes it�s cushions. But lately it�s logs. And I don�t mean little logs. I mean big, 12" diameter chunks. Kindling. Right into kindling. Well, it�d be better kindling if it were dry, and not chewed up and full of dog drool. But it�s the size of kindling when he�s done.

And he never, ever, has any � um � digestive issues.

My dog is a termite in disguise.

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