The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


Today's Tuesday, right? Isn't it ?

Today is Tuesday, right? Or, I should say, was Tuesday, as it's almost over.

Are you sure? It sure felt like a Monday.

Whew! What a day!

First, Partner had parked behind me and left late, so I was going to be late for an 8:30 meeting.

Then, the usual traffic-jerks were out. This is normal, though, so it wasn't that big a deal.

Then I get to work and am blocked by a delivery truck. The delivery truck at 8:30am that wasn't supposed to be there until 10am. So of course no one the driver asked had any idea where the thing was to go. He left. I get inside and find the piece still unassembled in my office. Not even the same building in which it was to be assembled and placed. *sigh*

So, that getting resolved, it just goes down hill from there.

My meeting still hadn't happened by 9:30 because the people who called it weren't there yet. So when they do show up, I have to try to extricate myself from all the other fires and emergencies that keep me at my desk, phone and computer from the minute I get there in the morning until I claw my way to the bathroom, finally. That's usually around lunch, if I'm lucky. Mid afternoon if things are normal, and when I finally get to leave for the day, 8 hours later, if it's a really bad day.

Today I never did make it *bigger sigh*

So ... local polls are open for voting on aldermen and such. I forgot. I'm squeezing my knees all the way home (someone was in the john when I was leaving so I *still* never got there). I figure ok, Partner feels that it doesn't matter how you vote, just vote. I disagree, but oh well, this is a small community we live in so he'll know if I don't vote so ...

I pull up and decide (luckily) to get my driver's license out first ... good thing because I couldn't find it. I tore my purse apart, my wallet inside out ... no DL. So I left and went home. And to the loo. And let the dogs out. Then I sat down to go thru my purse again and holy shit there it was right where it was supposed to have been (but wasn't! I swear!) in my wallet. *just keeps sighing*

Ok screw that I'll just make pizza for dinner.

Did that ... actually turned out ok.

Now I'm ready to pack it in for the night but just figured I'd write a bit first to get out the frustrations.

Thanks for listening :)

Mitakuye Oyasin

Walk in Balance

(today, I fell over hehe)

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