The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow



Hey guess what! It's daylight savings time. It's also almost 6am here on a Sunday morning.

Have I mentioned that I'm the telephone admin person at the Lions' Den?

I'm the phone admin person at work ... a position I managed to get myself into by opening my big mouth about a week into my first month there. You see, the system was the same as where I'd worked previously, and I was the admin there ... so ...

As phone admin it's part of my responsibility to make sure the phones and voicemail are reset so their timers and clocks and all that other internal stuff that tells you when your messages came in, match the "real" time.

In other words, I have to change the clocks at daylight savings time.

Twice a year. Once forward and once back.

I forgot on Friday.


So, when everyone goes to work at 8am on Monday, it will be 7am still according to the phones, and they won't let the receptionist answer, because the night service message will still be playing.


Guess I need to make a trip in later today, huh?

That being the case, this will have to do for my entry, as I'm going to go find D-Dog and the Floofy One, and curl up with them for a bit.

Mitakuye Oyasin

Walk in Balance

Sleep with Puppies.


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