The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


Tom Russell at Off Broadway

Well now, hissandtell got me to reminiscing, when she posted mentioning Tom Russell. And, since it's been almost exactly four years ago, I thought I'd relate the adventure. So, this one's for her :)

No, that's not a telephoto lens and yes we were that close.

It was about a year after I'd met the Partner, and he'd only recently gotten me hooked on this guy I'd never heard of ... Tom Russell.

Partner likes all the little honky tonks and bars and pubs, especially the ones that have people like Lucinda Williams, Iris DeMent, Tom Russell, Greg Brown, and other not-quite-the-mainstream musicians. There is one called Off Broadway, where they have a local radio station sponsor people like Tom Russell to come play. The place is pretty small, but not that small, and we were lucky to get a really good seat. Like, front row. And front row was about three feet from Andy Hardin, who was traveling with him.

Andy is an awesome guitar and banjo player. I thought his guitar was going to fry there for a while, the way he was playing. He really outdid himself that night, but then, he had Tom Russell to upstage (which he nearly did)

And Tom Russell ... well, he's Tom Russell. Smoky, husky voice and all. I don't know how else to describe him. You'd have to go listen.

Go on, do it now.

See what I mean?

Anyway, he played all the favorites and a few new ones he'd just written, and talked about his life and how the songs came about. I don't even remember all he said, but I do remember thinking that this man lived his songs, and sang his life. I was quite impressed, and came away liking him even more than I had from just listening to his CDs.

All in all it was quite the enjoyable time.

Afterwards, we stood in a short line and got to speak with him a bit. I had been wearing a four-srand bone choker that I'd made years before. It was nicely aged and looked great, but for some reason I felt compelled to give it to this man I'd just met, but felt I knew through his music.

So I did.

I knew it wouldn't fit him, of course, and I told him so. But since he expressed such a care and feeling for things like that, I told him I just felt he should have it. He laughed and agreed he couldn't wear it but definitely knew someone in his family who would love it.

We left.

And although I listen to his CD's a lot, I never really thought much about that concert four years ago, until hissandtell mentioned his name.

I bet he'd be thrilled to know he was adored all the way down under *chuckle*.

So, sweetie, this one's for you. Sorry, no bonking involved (unless you count later that night when Partner and I got home, but that's not going to be in these pages heheh)

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