The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


Ahhh what a day ...

Lessee .... started out with being mobbed the minute I walked in the door to my office. OMG do these people wait in the woodwork or what? I made it to my chair only to have the phone start ringing ... like they saw me drive up, park, walk in ... and gave me all of 2 seconds to make it to the phone *sigh*

That pretty much describes my entire day. Wolfed down a sandwich at my desk while one of the guys who came to "help" me unpack a ton of paper tossed boxes all over the place and generally made a lot of noise. This was when he wasn't cocking an ear at any juicy tidbits he might pick up in conversation with any of the other three people there waving requisitions in my face and saying "I need..." while I tried to swallow a chicken salad sandwich in one gulp.

I was there 10 hours.

The last 4 hours were to tend to all the paperwork that needed to be done, but that on days like today, I can never do during my normal work hours because I'm too busy ... well, working. *sigh*

I do love my job. I really do.

Just not on days like today.

At least my own version of the "She-snark" was mercifully quiet. Unfortunately, not totally absent, just quiet.

I am so looking forward to my 2 week vacation coming up!

Time to meet my pillow in an ongoing battle for a few hours oblivion.

Mitaquye Oyasin

Walk in Peace

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