The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


Partner Gets the Last Laugh - or at Least the Most Recent One

Last night, when I pulled up in the driveway and parked, Partner said �are you sure you don't want to pull up a little farther?�, looking pointedly up at the tree branch where we'd seen our hawk(s) perch.

�Nah�, says I. �I'm not worried about it.�

So, this morning when I went out for my morning walk up and down the driveway with my neighbor, I noticed I'd spoken a tad blithely.

My ostensibly black car now looked like a bumble bee, or maybe a hornet, in which genetics had gone horribly wrong.

Yellow pollen dusted the entire car, particularly on the hood and trunk (and probably the top, but I'm not quite tall enough to see over the top of my car, and no, it's not a SUV, I'm just short OK?). Then, as I rounded the back of the car, there it was: The Splat. With a capital splat.

My ostensibly black car, covered in yellow pollen, was decorated further with not only the various small splats you'd expect on a car parked in a woodsy area under trees, but down the back window and across the trunk and rear bumper was a lovely triptych of the Bird Splat School of Modern Design. It truly was a stupendous piece of � work.

I'm sure to the bird artiste, it was nothing more than a case of relieving a certain amount of internal pressure. But then again, isn't that what artists DO? Isn't �ART� the relieving of creative pressure within each artist?

I digress.

Do you have any idea how difficult it is to see out a back window that is irregularly polka-dotted and drizzled with semi-translucent white � stuff?

I appreciate natural art as much, if not more, than the next person. But tomorrow, when it's not dark outside like it was when I got home this evening, this particular piece of natural art will become ephemeral. I'm sure there is plenty more �inspiration� where that came from.

Mitakuye Oyasin

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