The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow



Countdown: T minus 6 days before Tooth Day.

I am now starting to be of two minds.

My sane mind says "hey, they need to come out. You'll be a lot more comfortable! It'll be good, really!"

My other sane mind says "you are gonna be in sooooo much pain. And how are you gonna sleep? Huh? You sleep on your side, all curled up with your hands under your chin in the typical fetal position! You know that's gonna hurt!"

So, then there's this other little voice back there being forcibly drowned out, saying "there is that 1% risk with anesthesia, you know ..."

*THWOCK!* Shush. Dontwannahearit.

It's not like I've never had surgery before. I've had plenty. As a kid, I was usually terrified. But as an adult it never seemed to bother me.

Until now.


Mitakuye Oyasin

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